Thursday, February 3, 2011

Let's Start With The Closet.

so here we are, at my first blog post. welcome.

Oh My Gaga. i shoveled out yesterday. i shoveled out tonight. i will shovel out tomorrow. must i shovel endlessly?
the answer is yes.
but, dear friends, i shovel valiantly.
i've been on this incredibly daunting endeavor to clean out my closet. don't scoff. its a big deal. you haven't seen it. i have, at this moment, only cleaned out the top shelves. it's incredible how much useless junk ends up there.

i found my old nintendo, the original one with cartridges bigger than both my hands put together. my inner nerd pretty much died from excitement.
i also found many more useless items. just a brief summary of what i found--
-hundreds and hundreds of notes written to me (my favorite ended in the words "...and on an unrelated note, the girl behind me sounds like she's on helium. Seriously.")
-a long braided renaissance-y wig. i don't know where it came from, and my sister wanted to keep it. fate is unknown.
-my old softball clothes from when i was 8. (random side note -- while i was very good at softball and was on the team for several years, i actually liked to kick up dirt clouds more than i liked being competitive. i would spend my games doing that, and picking clovers off of the field. i'm not a sports kid.)
-playdoh. don't judge.
-a plethora of horrendous 90's clothes.
-scrapbooking stuff that i was really excited to get, but never excited to use.

i could keep going. it gets worse.
but you're probably wondering why i decided to make my first blog post about my closet.
and if you weren't wondering before, you should be now.
WELL, i'm glad you asked.

i have spent so much time inside of my closet that it started to make sense.
i nearly had a breakdown over the darn thing.
it wasn't really the closet. i've just been on the edge of irritability for several days running.
but the closet made things make sense, ya know?
it's like i store every emotion that i've ever had inside my fictional Closet. i've got stuff backed up for years in there. and, like my actual closet, it's gotten a bit out of hand. i never throw anything away. it's like i hold onto my stuff for the sake of holding onto it. i have, in a very weird way, just realized that my emotions are the same way. so i'm in the process of cleaning out my emotional Closet as well as my physical closet. i feel like it's a good place to start, getting rid of old things. i don't need them. (boy, i've been using that phrase a lot lately.)

i'm just glad that i am taking care of it now. if i waited too much longer, one closet or another was going to collapse. maybe both. who knows?

so maybe it makes more sense now why i started with my closet for my blog. i know i seem kinda crazy, but i'm really *just a few marbles short.* (insert cheezy smile here)

Song of the Day: "Bad Wine and Lemon Cake" by The Jane Austen Arguement

1 comment:

  1. closets mean more than most people realize. i'm glad you understand, my short-marbled friend.
